With our global network of translators, we can offer quality translations to and from virtually any language combination, at the right price to fit your budget.
We can take care of all your international communication needs, no matter how big or small they are.
Thank you for visiting our Language Services Site.
Here you will find general information about us, our services and how you can take advantage of a dynamic, flexible and customer oriented company when it comes to braking the language barriers for all your needs.
We have experienced translators in many different areas of expertise. They are ready to analyze and provide you with a quality translation which effectively transmits meaningful material to your target market.
We work with native translators usually living in your target country. This guarantees that our translation will include the cultural background of your International audience.
Address: 810-260 Sackville St.
              Toronto, Ontario
              M5A 0B3 - Canada
Phone:    +1 (403) 879-5721 (Calgary)
              +1 (647) 247-6313 (Toronto)
Fax:        +1 (403) 206-7532
E-mail:    info@kdtech.camailto:info@kdtech.cashapeimage_4_link_0